Agriculture – linked to vocational education
In DR Congo many are suffering from shortage of food and that often leads to malnutrition. In order to be able to help, both with immediate and long-term efforts, we know that the agricultural project is important. In 2019, an agricultural project started in parallel with the sewing training and today it is a part of the project. One day a week, the women devote themselves to agricultural work, such as growing vegetables and raising pigs and chickens. In addition to the direct help to the women, the project has become self-sufficient in vegetables, fruit, eggs, chicken and pork. In addition to the pig being a source of nutrition, the manure is a supplement that contributes to greater harvests. A laying hen provides eggs that generate income. The project has received a positive reception from the local population and its leaders. What is amazing is that it is stigmatized and vulnerable women who receive education and then pass their knowledge on to their village. The women contribute to long-term development in the village and the local community.
This project is an answer to the prayer of the entire village during a very long time. We thank Child Mercy Sweden and LAV for the support of our daughters, who have fallen victims of sexual violence. This is a concrete way to give them the hope of their livelihood back. May God bless you!
The village chief of Lubanda village
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Mugoli's life has changed
Mugoli* comes from the Mwenga area. She, like many others, has been subjected to abuse, rape and exiled from her village. Her life was dark and difficult. Mugoli got in touch with our partner and applied to be admitted to the agricultural project.
On one occasion, the village leader from Mwenga came to inspect what Mugoli had accomplished after completing the agricultural course. He found that the vegetables grown by Mugoli were of very high quality. The inspector said:
- I thought that Mugoli had ceased to exist, but I was surprised to find her and her children and see that they have grown up, with good health and responsibility.
Today, the whole village has taken lessons from Mugoli. We ask that LAV continue with its activities. The women and children were previously rejected from their villages but today they want their knowledge. Through the project, the women regain their dignity. Thanks to their basic knowledge, they are respected and in demand. Child Mercy Sweden's work often focuses on women. Prioritizing women means investing in the future of the children and the entire family.
*Mugoli has a different name in reality.