DR Congo

Capital: Kinshasa
84 million (2018)
Official languages:
French, other l
anguages Swahili, Lingala, Kikongo
77 %

DR Congo

The conflict-related sexual violence against women and children continues on an undiminished scale in DR Congo. Sexual violence is very widespread, and reports show that twelve percent of the country's women have been raped. In some areas the proportions are even higher.

The country could have become one of the richest in the world, the natural resources are enormous. But despite this, the inhabitants have been severely plagued by poverty. Brutal militant groups and corrupt leaders have exploited and ruled the country, but the people have remained poor. In DR Congo, we contribute to rehabilitation and vocation training for the young women who has been raped and excluded. We also help children who live as sex slaves in brothels in Bukavu to get to a safe place in one of our four Safe Houses.

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Save a Girl

We work closely with the Panzi Foundation/Badilika, in the city of Bukavu. Dr. Denis Mukwege is the chairman of this foundation and we have a good relationship with him.

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Vocational education - sewing

In eastern DR Congo, we support two centers situated outside Bukavu, to be specific Luhwindja and Bideka. Here we provide vocational education and help women to start their own businesses and become self-sufficient.

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Agriculture - linked to vocational education

In the DR Congo, many people suffer from a lack of food and this in turn leads to malnutrition. One day a week, the women devote themselves to agricultural work, such as growing vegetables and raising pigs and chickens.

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Our primary focus is children’s right to a safer life. At the preschools in Bideka and Luhwindja children have a place to stay during the day, while their mothers attend their education. This is a place where they can be safe.