What we do
We run our relief organization in different parts of the world
but primarily in Ethiopia, DR Kongo, Brazil and Zambia

Make a donation
If you want to help us fight poverty and vulnerability in the world, a donation will make a big difference
About us
Our missions at Child Mercy Sweden is to beat poverty and vulnerability. Our target audience is children

All child should have the opportunity to go to school without discrimination and in a safe environment
What we do
We are a relief organization, situated in different parts of this world but primarily we work in Ethiopia, DR Kongo, Brazil and Zambia.
Child Mercy Sweden works preventively so that children have the opportunity for long-term positive development, in a safe environment where their rights are met. Our work has a focus on children and families and the equal conditions of girls in particular, as they belong to one of the most discriminated groups in the world.

In Ethiopia we are primarily focusing on education and to strengthen young girls to prevent child marriage. A donation towards the self-help project is another way to greatly support the poor population.

DR Congo
We contribute, together with Dr. Mukwege and the Panzi Foundation, to save girls from sex work at different brothels . We also support vocational training for raped women.

We work to prevent children growing up in the slums from becoming urchins. Kindergartens, emergency centers and homework assistance is a part of this effort. Our boat clinic reaches the small river villages with health care.

In Livingstone we stand behind a nursery home for orphans. The Alcohol abuse is common within Zambia, both for adults and children. Our partners work towards spreading knowledge regarding the devastating effects alcohol can have.

13 years old and exploited as a sex slave
At only 13 years of age, Benija lost her father. Without any support from home anymore, she needed to provide for her self and began working in a bar as a waitress. As a waitress she also was exploited by her boss since he offered her sexual favors to his customers and she was turned into a sex slave, prostituted. Benija's misery worsened when she became pregnant and could not possibly know who the father of her child was. Totally affected by her situation, she completely lost her footing. She was worth nothing anymore and the procurers didn't want to have her since she was not profitable being pregnant.
Benija prays so God that “Dr Mukwege, Child Mercy Sweden and Panzi may exist forever”.
After experiencing greediness, ungratefulness, and exploitation, Benija did not hesitate responding to the offer of moving to a SafeHouse. Benija and her child, who was born after a full-term pregnancy, was cared for and she got everything she needed to live a safe life. She now attends sewing training and every day her child gets to play at the hospital’s playground with other children. She has started to heal after everything she has been through.
Thanks to Panzi and Child Mercy Sweden, she is now able to live a life where her dreams can come true. Benija's story is only one of similar stories of many young girls.
*Benija is named something else in reality.

About Child Mercy Sweden
Our missions at Child Mercy Sweden is to beat poverty and vulnerability. Our target audience are children. Every child should have the right to grow up in a safe environment and do what children should do; play, laugh and have fun.
All our efforts start out at a grass root level, close to the children and their families. In that way we can create a long lasting change for the individuals as well as the entire community. We work for children's right to education, social care and health care. If you want to help us and make a difference in the world, the best options are either to become a monthly giver or make a single donation. Together we will make the world a better place.