Brazil is often called a land of many contrasts and income differences between the wealthy and the poor are enormous. There are approximately seven million street children in Brazil.
Brazil is one of the world’s five largest emerging economies, however, a third of the population is still poor and they live on less than half of the minimum wages. Around one and a half million children between five and fourteen years old are estimated to exist completely outside of the education system, others are registered but do not attend school. Many of these children have to work to support the family’s income, even though most of that work is illegal for youths under sixteen years. Our efforts aim to prevent children from becoming street children and end up in crime, drug abuse, and prostitution. We support preschools, homework help for the poor, a crisis center, a boat clinic, and a child clinic.

The Street children project
According to the UN, there are approximately 25 million street children in Latin America. Behind this number, there are individuals, girls and boys, that dream about a safer life.

Crisis center & Child clinic
The Home of Hope and The Clinic of Hope are two aid relief stations for vulnerable children. Many of the children have parents who are drug addicts and the children that are born are not wanted.

Preschools & homework help
On the islands Boipeba and Barcelos do Sul in northern Brazil, lives the poor fishing population. On these islands, the support we offer are homework help classes and preschools for the most poor children.

Health- & medical care
Harmless infections in our part of the world can become life-threatening in other parts of the world. To prevent poverty we need improved health. The Boat Clinic makes this possible.